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You might first know Naya Anindita from the infamous Youtube travel series “Jalan-Jalan Men!” aired five years ago. Co-hosting with the animated Jebraw, she has travelled to some of Indonesian well-known destinations, exploring different areas while having tons of fun. Ever since, Naya has carved out a career for herself in Indonesia movie industry, by being both an actress and a director. Her first feature film was “Sundul Gan: The Story of Kaskus” in 2016, which has received positive responses, followed by “Berangkat” in 2017. When we met her in between her busy schedule, she was as friendly as she was in the show. It was refreshing to meet someone who stays true to herself and does not hesitate to share her stories. So it began…
What draws you to filmmaking and traveling?
Film is one way to escape from reality. I happen to spend my time imagining things, and movies are a platform for me to realize those imaginations. Meanwhile, I love traveling because it makes me more thankful of the world I live in – it is simply beautiful.
What are the essential items to carry when you travel?
Phone, wallet, and equally important: heart, body and soul [laughs].
What do you think about BLP?
I love the fact that BLP understands what millennials need. I am particularly fond of the waterproof eyeliner since I am very active so I get sweaty and my skin gets oily easily. BLP can offer more than just makeup, as it considers the function and needs of us, millenials!
Our slogan #BeAdored means adoring ourselves, or appreciating ourselves, first. How do you relate to that?
Well, I realize that sometimes I am not easily satisfied with who I am. I oftentimes punish myself for the mistakes I made. I would say, “Why can’t I do it?” Even my body can feel it, too. I get sick easily when I feel angry or disappointed in myself. I don’t appreciate myself enough, and I have to admit that I do need to love myself. We deserve to be loved and appreciated, especially by our own selves! When we don’t love ourselves, our body can be negatively influenced by such mindset. I have been through it, and yes, thank you BLP for reminding me that I need to be adored with myself!