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Before self quarantine happened, little did we expect that being homebound for months is actually bearable. Now that we have learned to be productive and comfortable in the comfort of our own home, why not carry the good habits forward?

Forget laying in beds all day and binge-watching around the clock for a little while – try these 5 projects instead to keep your creative juice flowing, all done within the walls of your home.


Write A Thank You Note

Imagine getting a message that says, "I see you and I appreciate you" from the closest people in your life, BLP Girls.

A simple “thank you” goes beyond the words in the ear – it makes people feel seen and appreciated. Take your time to be present and think of those people that have been all along in every season of your life. Remember those who have been supporting you no matter what, those who have been showering your days with jokes and puns, as well as those who have been always by your side even at your worst. 

Write down a simple thank-you note to show them that you are grateful for their existence and let them know what you are most grateful for. Handwritten notes are harder to lose and much more personal, especially in this digital era. Write on a pretty card to add the fun!

Pssst, this activity could also bring you into a gratitude state and make you count your blessings!


Make A Collage

Does this sound familiar to you: You saw something interesting somewhere and it inspired you to create something new. But for no particular reason, it slipped from your memory just like that.

If you find yourself nodding, consider creating a collage and store them in one designated journal. The basic idea behind this one is to compile any ideas that inspire you and restore them for later use. Take this as a Pinterest board turned into real life. Excerpts from books, movies or even quotes that you found on the internet, it could be a compilation of anything! After all, things that intrigue and drive you will always be worth keeping for.


Decorate Your Work Space with Physical Moodboard

Adorn your workspace with a collage of all the things that you like. Then put it in the space where you usually lay your eyes on. While a physical mood board could help you be in the mood whenever you work, the compiling process exposes you to different ideas and perspectives. Update it every once in a while and keep yourself close to creativity, at all times!


Join A Workshop to Earn New Skills

If you have a list of things that you would like to learn but you haven't had the chance to, now is the perfect time to tick off the list!

The choices are limitless: learn new languages from Duolingo app, learn lettering from YouTube or try new recipes from insta-chef. You have all the time and all the knowledge in your hands, they are all just a few taps away.

Find yourself in the fun of doing something new and celebrate any progress that you make, however small!


Visit Virtual Museums

Now that we have to put our itinerary down on hold, traveling around the world might not seem feasible. But that was way, way before the internet! BLP Girls, we can actually travel virtually to notable museums around the world and enrich ourselves while laying down on our comfy bed.

Get a peek of work from Monet from Musee d'Orsay in Paris, immerse yourself in Korea's contemporary art from National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea and gaze upon Van Gogh's artwork (almost) up close from Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The experience might feel different, but it is a good place to transit for a little while until we catch the next flight.


We hope that these ideas could help you be entertained at home, BLP Girls! Never let anything limit your creativity. Have fun!