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Please wait for 7 working days for BLP REWARDS points to be updated. If you have a further problem, chat with our team by clicking the left-bottom corner of the page.

You will only get BLP REWARDS points if you shop at

You can only redeem 100, 500 or 1,000 points for Rp5.000, Rp 25.000, or Rp50.000 discount respectively. Each voucher can be used once using the registered email, for a minimum purchase of Rp100.000. All discount vouchers expire in 30 days after redemption.

Points will expire on December 31st of the same year.

Due to some updates in the system, your existing points have been adjusted to follow the new rules. However, you don't need to worry as your points can still be used and earned as usual!

The voucher will expire in 30 days after redemption.