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You came, you saw, you conquered—that’s the spirit we felt among our #BLPGirls on the Grand Opening BLP Beauty Space Pondok Indah Mall. Our weekend has been a blessed with bright sunlight knocking on our side windows and also so many BLPGirls coming right before the door was opened.

They enthusiastically waiting to meet their favorite BLP products and have a little chit-chat with BLPTeam. With the opening of our fifth BLP Beauty Space here in Jakarta, we made sure to please our girls with so many promos; including the shopping race! The first batch began at 11 AM until 1 PM, and the crowd brought a massive energy and filled the space with excitement. Those who missed the race could still enjoy Holy Month Sale because why not?—never miss a chance!

The second batch was no less interesting. Many of you still got curious to try, swatch, and had a talk with our BLPTeam. Plus, because of the coziness of our BLP Beauty Space, which has a bit elegance and minimalist touch inspired by Parisian and Japanese home, it made our girls seemed didn’t want to leave! They cheerfully spent time to take some photos to prettify their Instagram feed. Since the second race began in the following hour after iftar, we gladly shared some canapé for our BLPGirls thanks to Floret. It’s yum as usual!

We also had one little special guest coming through the grand opening; your old friend, the one and only, Sunset Sunrise! Just like its name, it shined the weekend and also everybody’s face who’ve been craving for her.

BLP Beauty Space is like a place to meet again with our beloved BLPGirls who have been with us for a long time. It was like a small reunion filled with genuine stories from each one of individual. We could feel the exchanged happiness when BLPGirls met our founder.

We could never forget this event since we have witnessed such a high and positive enthusiasm from #BLPGirls who still lined up until we close the door for the day. It moved us to see happy faces carrying little things on their way home.

At last, we would love to thank you all so much for participating in the Grand Opening BLP Beauty Space. We wish to see you again on the next grand opening event—finger crossed!
