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#BEAUTYTRENDS : BOLD LOOK by Heidiana Tjahjadi

To be a beauty content creator who stays creative and consistent is definitely a challenging journey. But have you ever imagined doing all that while being a mom of two?

Meet Heidiana Tjahjadi; the powerful woman who’s able to make extraordinary beauty videos on her instagram account @heidianatjahjadi while taking care of her family.


Posting videos everyday is nearly impossible due to her busy daily life. So she chooses quality over quantity, making her videos well-thought and well-shot even when she makes it all by herself! What a strong woman she is.

A powerful look calls for a bold makeup! Heidiana shares with us how to make her kind of bold makeup. Read on to know more!

Eye makeup is always a good start. Heidiana makes subtle smokey eyes by applying #EyeshadowPenBLP Harvest gold on the inner eyelid, and Copper Brown on the outer lid. To give an even bigger-eye effect, she glides a bit of #MatteLinerBLP and packs on #BrowPowderBLP Dark Brown. Eye makeup is complete!

A bold look definitely cues for a well-sculpted nose! So Heidi dips into the bronzer from Midday and Midnight #FaceGlowBLP and use it as a contour. You might be wondering, why does she not contour her cheeks? Well, that’s because she’s going to wear all range of #CheekStainBLP on her face!

Starting from applying the darkest shade–Cherry Tart–on the outer cheek, followed by Pink Guava on her cheek bones. After that she applies Peach Melba on her inner cheek, and finishes the blush session by putting Butter Scotch on her upper nose. “My cheeks are popping, it’s like I’m having a fever!” she said.

Having all those colors is still not enough! She adds more spice by making little dots with #BrowDefinerBLP to create fake freckles. Then she sets her face with #FacePowderBLP in Light Beige and tops the complexion off with the highlighter from Sunset and Sunrise #FaceGlowBLP! Lastly, she seals the deal with applying Bloody Mary #LipCoatBLP on her lips. Look how compelling she looks!

We hope this look can inspire you to be tough and power through everything comes your way. You can do it, #BLPGirls!