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Four years of togetherness and growth, celebrated through giving back

How does it feel to celebrate birthday during a pandemic? Such thing may have never crossed your mind, but here we are, in 2020, adjusting our lives and celebrating birthday in quarantine mode. How have you celebrated yours, or perhaps your closest ones’ at home? On 20 June, we are turning four, and there are a lot to be grateful in this new age.

Even when we are physically limited, the celebration went on. From 19 to 22 June through our Instagram we did a live marathon to treat BLP Girls at home with some fun series. With Gyanda Agtyani (@andaws), Claudya Christiani Purba (@claudyaachrp), Dinda Shalahita (@shalahita), Annabelle from Barre Belle (@barrebelleid), Priska from @pikkapoppin and Mayu from @terserahmayu, BLP Girls were able to learn cooking, enjoy jamming, doing barre and join beauty class from the comfort of their own home. 

The fun weekend was then closed with a live BLP HQ tour led by none other than Lizzie Parra. Yes, BLP has now occupied a new home and we excitedly showed you around! After the tour, together we did a small celebration with BLP Team – confetti and über-cute cake involved. Four years, four times changing office address, four times the number of BLP Team, we really couldn’t achieve all of this without you, BLP Girls! 

As a token of appreciation, all purchases from 18 to 30 June got free planting seeds, representing our 4-year journey from “small seeds” to be a “beautiful plant.” This growth does not end here, however, as there is still plenty of room to be better and better, including for BLP Team. 

“Here in BLP I feel like I belong to an environment of learning and growth. Everyone is welcomed to contribute and develop themselves here,” shared Bena, Senior HR Executive. Meanwhile, for BLP’s CFO Dinda, BLP can be a place to learn for BLP Girls, too, who have witnessed the brand’s development over the years.

Community & Event Executive Dea and Visual Merchandiser Tara, who both prepared the intimate birthday celebration, expressed their relief that the celebration went well. “We hope that in this new age we can be more challenged to empower all women out there. Hopefully BLP’s products can inspire others, even outside Indonesia!”

If you missed the celebration, watch all live marathon sessions on BLP Beauty’s IGTV.