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From the kitchen of Adinda Triandhina – or Dinda, as we call her – were born uniquely delicious desserts and snacks. With a lifelong passion in patisserie, Dinda always pushes the boundaries forward and explore unthinkable ideas in her creations. To name few: mini apple rose tarts, lollipops with edible flowers inside or rainbow popcorn. For the launch of three newest #LipCoatBLP shades, we asked her to create three desserts based on the name of the shades: Maple Waffle, Ginger Bread and Pumpkin Sorbet. Here we talk more about her passion, her creativity and inspiration in life.  
When and why did you pursue cooking?
I fell in love with cooking and anything to do with food since I was little. My mom and I love to cook together, so I consider cooking a memorable moment for me. Even after high school I wanted to immediately enroll in cooking school. That decision had to be postponed since I had to finish my bachelor’s degree first, but I got in anyway soon after!
Who inspires you in life?
Firstly, Nigella Lawson is someone who made me fall even deeper in love with the culinary world. Secondly, I am also inspired by Dalai Lama because he is very peaceful. Whenever I am not in a good mood, I refer to his book and I feel better.
How do you come up with ideas in your creation?
I easily get inspiration from anywhere… it can be books or magazines about food. For the latest shade of BLP lip coats, I created desserts that represent them based on the name of the shades. For instance, I immediately know that I want to create waffle cookie drizzled with maple caramel sauce to accompany Maple Waffle. For Ginger Bread, I also simply create old-fashioned soft baked ginger cookies based on the name. The most interesting one is Pumpkin Sorbet. Usually sorbet is served cold, but I cannot make it because the food needs to be delivered in a package. I ended up creating macaron pops with pumpkin butter cream inside so the taste is just right.
Which #LipCoatBLP shade is your favorite, and why?
Butter Fudge! I love both the older and newer formulas. It is the right shade of nude that I can wear everyday. Meanwhile, from the latest shade I really like Pumpkin Sorbet. Aside from the popping color, it reminds me of the challenge when creating the dessert!
How do you describe #BeAdored?
#BeAdored means loving myself and staying true to myself. There is no need to put on any mask, just enjoying being myself.