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    (IDR Rp)

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    (IDR Rp)


On a bright sunny day, we met Aras Ratri Kara – or @arasuuu as her Instagram handle says. She is full of energy, beaming with positivity and nothing short of uniqueness. Having a role in creative division, nurturing two brands under her wing and being a mother, to boot, Aras does not seem to falter at the face of them all. With BLP she shared more on how she balances her time and what makes her confident.

What keeps you busy these days?

Making ARK new collaboration collection with Henrixa that will be launched at the end of this month, while working and being a mom.

When and how did you fall in love with design and art in the first place?

I love art since elementary school. I remember my father always framed my best drawings and put them on the wall. As I grew up I love to draw even more. When I studied abroad in Tokyo, Japan, I spent a lot of weekends visiting art museums. I got inspired and motivated by seeing exhibition of many artists from all around the world.

Does being a mom stop you from who you want to be? How do you balance your time for family vs for work?

Of course not. Currently I am working in a Japanese company with flexible working hours, so I will spend a lot of time with Yuri (my 1-year-old daughter) when I can work from home. We also have family day out at least once a week. During my free time – usually after work is done and Yuri is asleep – I start to work on ARK project. Creating stuff is my hobby. I don't count it as work because I really enjoy it!

Which makeup items do you wear daily?

I'm a simple woman. Lipstick and eye shadow are good for me!

What makes you confident, and how do you practice #BeAdored?

Being myself! Eventhough sometimes I feel like an alien between humans, being unique me makes me confident.