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How do you celebrate the month of love? We chose to celebrate it with #BLPIRL: Soft Clay Mirror Workshop with #BLPFam!

#BLPFam’s wish is our command — we finally granted your wish to hold #BLPIRL in Bekasi! So, we invited some of the closest #BLPFam, one of them coming all the way from Bandung, to join a special workshop in a humble Korean-themed cafe, Ottoke Cafe, Bekasi. 

Today’s #BLPIRL purpose was simple: to celebrate the month of love in its truest form, starting with self-love. Our day kicked off with each #BLPFam read an affirmation card, followed by an endorphin boost as we exchanged love letters with one another. This session definitely brought #BLPFam closer together – especially those who haven’t met before. 

After such a sweet start, now it’s time to play with creativity! Led by Skola Living Art and Craft Studio, #BLPFam passionately crafted soft clay into various forms to decorate their mirror. The result: amazing! From geometric shapes to flowers and branches, we found so many beautiful creations by talented #BLPFam.

Another surprise was dropped by none other than Lizzie Parra & Monica Christasia! #BLPFam were treated to an exclusive preview of Lip Petals, the upcoming hydrating lipstick. They were delighted by the chance to take home a shade of Lip Petals, becoming one of the first to experience it before the official launch. 

Everyone went home with full hearts and a goodie bag of BLP goodies. Here’s to many more heartwarming #BLPIRL gatherings in the future!

Watch the full video here: