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A mother, a wife, an MC, and a personal trainer, Sasha Lauder is one busy woman who takes on her role with confidence from the beginning of her career.

“It comes as you have prepared yourself,” she explained when asked about building confidence. In my experience, when doing events for a brand or a corporate entity, I prepare myself by understanding the key messages, the brand DNA, and even the possible questions that can come from the audience.” 

Her career took an interesting turn when she fell sick frequently, and thus decided to study fitness, while her husband studied nutrition during the pandemic. “My family is my motivation to live healthily and educate myself about fitness. I am still learning and training to be fit and strong – not skinny!” Through both roles in headlining events and delving into wellness, Sasha believes that it is important to create a positive impact for others and share joy. 

Her go-to lip product whenever she is on stage as an MC is Butter Fudge. “It simply does not bulge. Butter Fudge was a revolutionary product back in 2016, and is still iconic until today. It takes me through events and my work!” During the photoshoot she rocked the 1987 Baby Blush and Eyeshadow Palette effortlessly, as if she is made for rocking them shades!