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The key in this festival-ready makeup is the application of glitters around the eyes. Think of them as freckles – those extra little things that can change the whole face. However, glitter is three dimensional. Therefore, concentrate it around one area only and leave the rest of your face subtle. Here is how to achieve that easy, standout glittery makeup:
  • After applying foundation, blend Butter Fudge as blush at the apple of the cheeks
  • Put enough sticky base around the eyes to keep them on as you dance the night away. Then, dust glitters – a lot of them – on the cheek bones. Use tape to take off the excess
  • Add bold cat eye liners to balance the glow. Tightline and highlight with Dual Eye Definer.
  • For the lips, first we create base using Butter Fudge. For the ombré look, we dab Candy Apple and Bloody Mary in the inner part of the lips. To top the whole look off, we add red glitters.
Have fun and take plenty of photos under the light!

Eye makeup that sticks through the thick and thin, under the heat or in the rain, is one of our summer essentials. For this second festival look, we want to elevate everyday cat eye to another level by adding striking silver touch. It is simple and easy, with only one main product needed: Dual Eye Definer, the long-lasting and pigmented duo eyeliner

  • Closely line the eyes and gradually layer it to achieve desired thickness with the black side of Dual Eye Definer
  • Use the silver end to layer it over the line. Add wing to make the look more dramatic
  • Apply black mascara to emphasize the eyes more
  • Take Peppermint Pink to coat the lips, and dab it around the cheeks – the more the merrier! Glow is optional here. Highlighter or even lip gloss can be a nice addition for a more vibrant look
  • Go under the sun! 
Recreate the look using some of our favorites below:
Dual Eye Definer
Lip Coat Butter Fudge
Lip Coat Candy Apple
Lip Coat Red Velvet
Lip Coat Peppermint Pink