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Imagine you’ve been keeping in touch with a friend online for some period of time. Both of you admire each other, enjoy sharing experiences and have the same interests. One day, she invites you to meet her. What would you say?

Having established most of our presence online, we at BLP Beauty feel the need to do so: to meet you in real life, to chat and to know you better. Since our beginning we have been throwing a handful of events to get closer to you, #BLPGirls, and here is a trip down the memory lane to remind you of those good ol’ days.

In BLP Treasure Hunt back in 2017, we invited BLP Girls to join a knitting class. There we had fun getting to know the girls who become one of our first supporters.

During our first birthday on the same year, we opened the doors of our humble BLP HQ for 4 BLP Girls to celebrate our milestones together. Plenty of food and fun were involved – we even met one of the future BLP Team in the bunch! Our second birthday in 2018 was a bigger celebration – all thanks to you, BLP Girls! – with 8 invitees joining us for a breakfasting soiree.

When we opened our first Beauty Space BLP in Jakarta in 2018, then in Bandung, our founder Lizzie Parra sat down and chatted with some of the BLP Girls. They could ask questions, join games and bring home some of our favorite BLP products.

Eventually, we opened up an opportunity for BLP Girls to join BLP Beauty Class. Here is your chance to show your inner glow through the shades that represent you the most. The girls can meet other BLP Girls, learn how to best apply BLP shades and get to know BLP Team, too!

So, what’s next?

Enter BLP IN REAL LIFE. This is the umbrella of our togetherness – BLP Girls and us! Take this as an open invitation to be your better selves, to express who you are and to celebrate life in the company of BLP Beauty family.

We call it “In Real Life” because we are going beyond the screen, to interact with you directly. In this digital age where one easily puts up a persona online, we’d love to encourage you to step outside and enjoy building connections in real life. It is time to give real-life interactions a deeper meaning!

BLP IN REAL LIFE will be an ongoing series of inclusive, inspiring, empowering experiences designed for you, all BLP Girls. You will get to meet the faces behind BLP Beauty and do exciting activities together. You can tap into empowering communities you have never thought of before. You can build new friendship in a completely safe circle.

More importantly, everyone is invited – no matter your background, race, skin color, occupation, religion. Will we see you in the next #BLPIRL?