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#TABFT | Where did Your Empty BLP Packaging Go?

Last year we launched #TABFT (There’s A Box For That), an initiative to recycle BLP empties in collaboration with Waste4Change. You can bring your empty BLP packaging to all Beauty Space BLP and the team from Waste4Change will sort them out to recycle and reuse your waste. 

The report is in, and we are so excited to share the 2019 results with you, #BLPGirls! From September to December, we have collected 131.05 kg of waste – all of which went through the recycling process as follows:

  1. All waste from Beauty Space BLP is collected in #BLPHQ.
  2. The cosmetics packaging waste is picked up by Waste4Change.
  3. Upon arrival at Waste4Change, the waste is categorized. Then, Waste4Change will send them to their recycling partners.
  4. The partners will recycle them into a variety of goods. 

Thanks to your participation, we have produced auto body parts, CD/DVD packaging, new duplex, new box packaging and various plastic-based home goods. This is no small feat as every step we take to love the earth matters for the future generations.

 This year, make it your agenda to reduce your waste and help us responsibly manage it. Bring your BLP empties, from the unused boxes to the empty tubes, to Beauty Space BLP in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. Collect stamps for every return and as our token of appreciation, you will get IDR 25,000 voucher for every 10 stamps.

Let’s love the earth as much as we love ourselves!