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An Intimate Session With 5 #BLPGirls

This time, we get up close and personal with five BLP GIRLS to share their thoughts on #BeAdored. Meet Osya, Dessy, Jessica, Putri and Leona! Read on to discover their insights!

Putri works as a Customer Executive. She sees #BeAdored as “adoring yourself as a unique human being”. A thoughtful statement, as expected from a communicative person.

While Dessy says that to #BeAdored we need to “confidently express our inner charm”. As a Content Writer who loves to discuss about beauty, it is such a bright statement!

There’s also Leona whose daily life revolves in the food industry. She sees #BeAdored as “a personal achievement we gain from other people who see potential in us”. It’s so sweet of her to notice and value others’ perspectives, and we find it endearing!

As for Jessica, she views #BeAdored as “being appreciated and admired for your inspiring qualities and good traits”. A wish to inspire, as expected from the Head of Trading Marketing in a reputable company.

Last but not least, we have Osya; a creative personality who works as an Illustrator. “Be adored means to respect every process I’m working on to be the best version of me,” she says.


From their perspectives, we can say that #BeAdored means that we are appreciating ourselves. Acknowledge your qualities and potential while respecting the process. So, adore yourself!