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Almost two years have passed at BLP Beauty, and a lot have happened in between. From the launch of #OnTheLips to the launch of #InYourEyes, you have become such an important part of our journey. Enter the next chapter of #FaceIt – yes, because your face deserves all the good things to face anything happens in your life.

This series of face products was started with the color beige. Think of the shade as something warm, pure and light – all the qualities that are eventually made into #FacePowderBLP. We formulated two different shades of beige: light beige is meant for light to medium skin tone, while medium beige will cater medium to dark skin tone better.

Through series of trials and errors, tryouts on different skin tones and skin types that involve our closest circles and even some from #BLPTeam, #FacePowderBLP finally takes shape. Lightweight particles in the powder simply work miraculously on any skin types, helping to set makeup smoothly and absorb shine even hours after they are put on.

Not just the formula, the packaging of #FacePowderBLP is also carefully designed. It is packaged in compact shape, completed with puff for application and net that ensures the powder stays intact during your travels. You can also use your own fluffy brush to apply it all over the face as the final step of your makeup ritual.

#FacePowderBLP is for you to show off your skin, because beauty is about being comfortable in your skin. Hopefully you can embrace your unique face features and just show them off. Face the world with confidence.