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How do you practice self-care, BLP Girls? At BLP we enjoy binge-watching rom-coms, eating desserts and putting on makeup, among others. Now there is a new trend around the block: using crystals as a way to do self-care.

Chances are, we have spotted crystals at least once while scrolling our Instagram feeds. You may see it sitting pretty on jewelries, or effortlessly becoming a part of interior design. You may have had them yourself – yes, we are referring to the crystal roller in your beauty drawer!

For all we know, crystals have been used as a means to an end of self-care: from interiors, beauty products to better wellbeing purposes. So if you find yourself interested in new ways to do self-care (after all, a new year is meant for some fresh starts), we have rounded up the many functions of crystals for you to get the idea of what it's all about. Read on and dive in, BLP Girls! 



Crystals hold aesthetic value and are very pleasing to look at, but apart from that, crystals are well-known for their ability to affect energy and mood. Try placing one in your living space or on your working desk, and see how it changes the whole dynamic of the room. It is also believed to create a beneficial atmosphere based on the crystal that you choose – so pick your crystals wisely!
Each crystal attracts different energy: clear quartz with clarity and focus, amethyst with calmness and relaxation, rose quartz with kindness and compassion, black tourmaline with its shield against negative energy and pyrite with attracting wealth and financial success. 
Whether you believe in it or not, incorporating crystals in your space can act as a visual reminder to reconnect with your intention and purpose, to start anew in 2021!


If you are into wellness, it is worth giving crystals a try. You can incorporate it into your meditation practice, as it brings good energy and helps you take ownership of your feelings.
The way to do crystal healing is quite simple: Sit down, close your eyes, put and hold a crystal in your hand. To find the right crystal, define what changes you would like to see in your lives first. If your intention is recognizing love and releasing past traumas, there's rose quartz. For a stronger sense of self, there's rhodonite. For prosperous financial gain, there's garnet. There are also citrine for creativity, turquoise for bond-strengthening and amethyst for wisdom.
Sharpen your intuition, how does it make you feel? Think of the output you are wishing from the practice and refocus your intention there. If you're not there yet, crystals and their visual forms can lure you with its beauty. And that, is already a positive emotional response for you to benefit from.


Beauty brands all over the world have been incorporating crystal extracts into their products: into highlighter, cleanser, face scrub, you name it. You're probably already pretty familiar with crystal facial tools like roller and gua sha. Crystal roller is renowned for its perks to increase the effectiveness of skincare, to depuff and to reduce inflammation.
Crystal facial tools also promote beneficial advantages to your skin like relieving tension in the face muscles, boosting blood circulation or as simple as giving the pleasure of a massage. We heard a pro tip: Refrigerate the crystal tools beforehand and feel a relaxing sensation when you make use of them. 

Take this trend with a grain of salt, BLP Girls. Explore whichever works best for you – and don’t forget to always take time for self-care!