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Behind Beauty Space BLP Yogyakarta | A Homecoming Journey

It is fascinating to see what you have been dreaming, imagining and planning on finally becomes a reality right in front of your eyes. This ecstatic feeling is what we, BLP Team, experienced as we were working on Beauty Space BLP Yogyakarta. All the hard works poured into making it happen are all paid off once we open our doors for you, BLP Girls!


Yogyakarta has always held a special place in our hearts. Back in 2016, LOL Market in the city is one of the first events we ever participated in. One of our lady bosses Christa recalled the time they borrowed plants from their grandmother’s house to decorate the booth. Fast forward three years later, here we are transforming a house on Jl. Cenderawasih into Beauty Space BLP Yogyakarta.


Our founder Lizzie Parra has come a long way, from a generation of strong women in Yogyakarta. She is inspired by the culture, humility and hard work women in Yogyakarta embody. At the same time, BLP Girls in Yogyakarta have always welcomed us with open arms. So, when the opportunity came knocking, we answered it without any hesitation.


Beauty Space BLP Yogyakarta proudly opens the doors for women of all ages, backgrounds, skin tones and cultures. We also collaborate with inspiring individuals in Yogyakarta to design a space that treats your senses and makes you feel good about yourself: Artist Wulang Sunu creates a mural depicting diverse BLP Girls. Design & architecture studio MISC designs and builds the space. Creative agency Remark.Lab connects us with the city's creative scene. Dessert expert MILK by Artemy formulates gelato flavors based on BLP's shades. Fashion brand Senandung designs Beauty Crew's uniform.




“We want to create a multi-sensorial experience,” Lizzie Parra explains. “Yogyakarta is a city filled with cultural explorations and warmth, so we make sure that we bring something special here.”

Find the complete story on our first-ever printed publication BLP Paper. Get your copy at all Beauty Space BLP, starting January 2020.