
Always on-the-go, dynamic and friendly – those words explain travel blogger and writer Kadek Arini best. Traveling has been a constant part of her life, and so you can hardly find her staying in one place for too long. When BLP team invited her to our photoshoot one calm morning, she came with a suitcase, all ready to go. “I am flying to Bali this afternoon!” she exclaimed. Without further ado, our conversation started.

How did you become a travel blogger in the first place?
I went to college in Yogyakarta. It is close to some destinations like Surabaya or Bali, so I spent most of my holidays traveling around Java. I wrote my experience in my blog that I had since high school. With Instagram, I can also share my experiences in visual form. People then start asking me more about my experiences, which motivates me to focus on travel writing and photography in my blog. Now I have been to all around Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and even some countries in Europe – among others.

As someone who often travels solo, what tips or experiences can you share to others wanting to try going by themselves?
When you travel by yourself, you have to face everything on your own. Be it being lost, sick or lonely, you have to find your own way out. The good thing is that you now know what you are capable of doing despite the feeling of loneliness. You might be surprised that you can do more and handle problems better than you expected.
A must-have when you solo travel is internet. You can find ways and translate foreign language using Google, which helps a lot when you have no one else to depend to. Secondly, you need to gather some basic information before you go to prevent scamming. Don’t look confused, because if you do, you can easily be tricked.

What are your on-the-go beauty essentials?
Sun block! I love the sea and sun screen protects me from the harsh sun light. I also pack some makeup to keep my face looking fresh. Usually some eyebrow products, nude lipsticks like BLP’s Butter Fudge and powder can be found in my travel makeup bag.

Our tagline is #BeAdored, through which we want to encourage women to start adoring themselves. How do you live the meaning of #BeAdored?
For me, it is an encouragement to simply do everything. If you want to create something, go ahead and create it. Don’t overthink. Don’t listen to what others are saying. Once you have had a lot of experiences, sharing with others is important. When we share our knowledge, we will get more knowledge, too.