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#BLPFam, Together is a Place to Be

It is still fresh in our memory at the very beginning of BLP Beauty, how you – #BLPGirls – have supported us through and through. From flooding our websites every launch and sale, to coming to our booths and #BLPIRL whenever the invitation is sent out, you have occupied a special place in our heart. We definitely cannot be where we are today without you! 



From day one, BLP Beauty is an ecosystem where beauty goes beyond any standards you have been told to. Here is a space where you can look, live and feel at your best, no matter your skin color, your background, your occupation, your body type. So here we want to extend an invitation to celebrate more diverse kinds of beauty with #BLPFam.



Each campaign, each initiative, each content is inspired by you and happens because of you – #BLPFam! Take this as an open invitation to a self-love, #BeAdored club. A safe space that welcomes everyone like a family, where you simply belong. At #BLPFam, the best version of yourself is you, and BLP Beauty’s shades are here to bring out your unique self and boost your confidence.



In this exciting journey, we want to include more in the conversation and provide a platform to voice positive messages on inclusive, diverse beauty. Tag us your look, share your story on beauty and self love, bring out the best of yourself because YOU are the HERO of our story, #BLPFam!