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Our #BLPGirl of the week is Dinda Puspitasari, the creative mind behind our #BLPBirthday illustration. After a long stint in advertising and a try out as an entrepreneur in fashion, she delved into drawing illustrations serendipitously. She has collaborated with renowned fashion blogger Diana Rikasari for her three books, and now embarks on a new journey as a budding illustrator with a fashionable edge. Building her own path and her confidence along the way, Dinda tells BLP team how she managed to eventually do what she loves.
How was your creative process when drawing the characters for #BLPBirthday?
At first I browsed the entirety of all shades before trying to sketch the characters. I wanted to highlight the femininity and style of each character, therefore I started drafting and then shared it to Lizzie. We went back and forth with the outline because we wanted to represent a variety of characters, including sporty and hijab girls.
What inspires you creatively?
I am mostly inspired by books, seeing other people’s works, flowers and nature in general... I also really love walking around to see people doing their daily activities. That is why I prefer traveling to cities rather than to beaches or mountains, because I can observe and chat with people in a new environment. When I am not traveling, I enjoy reading biographies. That way I can get new ideas that are oftentimes totally different from what I initially had in mind.
Can you tell us a little bit about your journey in eventually loving yourself?
Long story short, I grew up not feeling the prettiest. I did not have fair skin and it made me insecure about how I looked. However, it all changed when I entered university. I studied in the University of Indonesia, majoring in advertising. I got to learn and do what I love, therefore I was able to express myself more. Eventually I can love myself and accept me for who I am.
What does it feel like to be able to live your passion?
It makes me very happy but it is also a challenge for me to do better everyday and achieve the standards that I set for myself. My passion has changed from advertising, to being in corporate life, to entrepreneurship in fashion. I did not regret any of them, because if I did not change, I would not find that my passion is actually in drawing and illustrating.
What message do you want to share for others who want to be an illustrator?
Always try for new styles in illustrating. See things differently and observe the details. Gather lots of references, they can come from many places. If you get creative blocks, just stop whatever you are doing, get some coffee, do something unrelated – just do something that makes you happy.
What is your favorite #LipCoatBLP shade?
This is tough question! Persimmon Pie, Burnt Cinnamon and Bloody Mary are my three favorite shades since they suit my skin tone really well.