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#BLPGIRLS | Natasha, A Designer with Bold Vision


From working in the corporate world, to making a jump to setting her own accessories brand, Natasha (@tam.illi) has fearlessly pursued what she loves. Tam Illi’s bold and intricate designs are the reflection of her passion for her crafts. It is not easy to do what you love, and Natasha shared her side of the story in building Tam Illi.

Hi Natasha! Can you tell us a little bit about Tam Illi?

Tam Illi actually stands for my name, Natasha Jasmin Aprilia. Since I was little, I enjoyed handcrafting so much. It grew more of a side hobby as I studied architecture and worked in a corporate setting. Then, I realized that I have strayed too far away from what I love when I was working in a bank. Boredom came upon me, so I dived back into handcrafting. I started sourcing some materials, set aside some time to create crafty products and tried selling them on Instagram. I explored accessories – necklaces, earrings and rings – at that time. At one point, I had to choose between working full time or running my own accessories business. Tam Illi was then born. 

What inspired you to create the bold designs of Tam Illi?

Back then, the trend was minimal, simple accessories. I wanted to wear bolder, bigger accessories and couldn’t find any – so I decided to create them. For the design itself, I was much inspired by the principle of architecture. All of Tam Illi’s products begin with the structure. We tried to stay away from using glue, and focus on creating solid structures instead. Even though our products may seem heavy, they are actually lightweight thanks to the structure.

In terms of shapes, I feel like Tam Illi is where I can bring out my alter ego. From the signature flower shapes to the bold colors, the elements are not something I would wear. I am usually into neutral colors, but my design shows otherwise. Some people might wear Tam Illi’s products only for special occasions, but I wear them on a daily basis, too!

"If we love what we do, we will sacrifice our time, energy and other things to make it work."


What challenges did you face when building your own brand?

When I resigned from my fulltime job, it was tough because I had to find the identity of the brand. My sister Rahajeng has played a significant role in advising and tackling the marketing end, and together we have been building Tam Illi. 

Another challenge is when people are copying or creating similar designs. For us, it is a lesson to learn, that it is time to create new things and go to the next level.

What advice would you share for people who want to start their own brand?

Firstly, you have to choose a field you truly love. If we love what we do, we will sacrifice our time, energy and other things to make it work. Secondly, you have to commit to what you do. If you want something, you should know what you want and run it.

How would you describe your daily makeup?

I am actually quite simple when it comes to makeup. Everyday I only put on moisturizer and BB cream as a base, then draw my eyebrows because they make a difference to my look!

Natasha is wearing:

#InYourEyes Eyeshadow Pen Harvest Gold and Crème Gold, Matte Liner Pitch Black, Brow Definer Dark Brown and Brow Powder

#FaceIt Face Glow Sunset and Sunrise, Face Powder Medium Beige

#OnTheLips Lip Bullet Pavlova, ombré-ed with Lip Bullet Cannoli, Lip Glaze Sparkling Rosé