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Outspoken, warm and confident – these impressions stuck with us upon the first minutes of meeting Sivia Azizah, and those qualities have not changed since. The multitalented #BLPGirl has her start in music when she was still young, and as she is getting more mature, her interests expand exponentially, to acting, hosting, radio DJ-ing and fashion. With #BLPTeam she shared about how she becomes who she is today and her love for bold lipsticks.

What keeps you busy these days?

I am now a radio DJ at Mustang while preparing my new single after going solo, hopefully it will be released this year!

How do you build your career in music, radio DJ and fashion?

I have actually tried a lot of jobs. Initially I started in music, by joining singing class and competition since I was a kid! After that I tried being a commercial talent, then trying my dip in TV shows. After around 5 years of acting, I went back to singing and now I got a chance to try radio DJ-ing. Working in radio definitely still is related to music.

Having studied fashion in college, I saw an opportunity in the field other than being a designer. Through reading magazines and referencing some influencers in Indonesia and beyond, I can shape my own style and character.

Who inspires you in fashion?

Social media is my source of inspiration. Right now I am inspired by a female photographer named Christina Paik, who frequently shoots street-inspired images. Since wearing hijab, I also try to find style inspirations on Instagram. An account that I currently like is called @nemahsis.

How do you usually do your makeup?

My essentials are BB cushion, blush on, powder and lipstick. I love to wear bold lipsticks (Pumpkin Sorbet, Burnt Cinnamon and Red Velvet are my favorites!) because I believe lips can make you look “put together.” With my casual and boyish style, I prefer natural look – other than the lips – as I want to be as simple, as comfortable as I can. My skin is also sensitive, so I cannot try too many different products.

What do you think about #BeAdored and what do you do to #BeAdored?

It is about respecting myself and accepting anything my own skin. Let’s be thankful for what we have, appreciate what our body has done for us. Acnes or pigmentation on the skin will eventually go away. So I try to accept them. Anything on my body is beautiful as it is!