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#BLPTEAM | On Creating New Habits at Home

Three #BLPTeam share tips and stories to build new habits while staying home

We have been physically distanced for months now with the whole world still in limbo. From the comfort of our home we are finding new ways to adapt and adjust to this “new normal.” Are you sharing the same sentiment, BLP Girls?

Quarantine, however, should not stop us from building new, positive habits. Take this time instead as a chance to press reset in a few areas in our lives. This is a good chance to start over, as the usual practices we grow accustomed to might have become irrelevant.

BLP Team has also been taking baby steps in adapting to the challenging time. Here are some tips and stories on creating new habits that you can try, too, BLP Girls!

Improving Eating Patterns

During this fasting month, our activities and stress level are all the same as any other month, but we’re left with lower energy. To tackle this, our finance officer, Sarah, always fills her fasting days with things that she loves. 

Sarah Nur Ramadhani

“I love spicy food like crazy, but I know it will affect my digestive health in this fasting month. So I replace it with easily-absorbed food, but I still pick the ones that I like. Biji salakes timun suri and singkong Thailand, for instance. It’s about finding the balance of things that you like and things that you know will still be healthy for you.” Sarah also gave a friendly reminder to consume vitamin at least once during suhoor

Working Out

Advised to stay at home, our online administrator, Siti, finds it challenging to keep her workout routine. “I don’t exercise at all during this pandemic because I can’t go to Gelora Bung Karno, where I usually jog. But I still move a lot in the house! I tidy up the whole house, wash and iron my clothes, while doing other physical errands that will keep me sweating.” Her approach is definitely practical yet creative. Your house will become tidier, and your body becomes healthier! It’s a win-win! 

Siti Sulasmi

For those wishing to still do your workout, give some Youtube tutorials a try. Remember that it is not the time to push your limit, but simply to maintain consistent movement in your everyday routine.

Doing Self-Care

Self-care is a continuous journey. Now, more than ever, self-care should be your priority. While staying at home, we should find balance between work and personal time, by utilizing what we can do from home.

Our customer experience officer, Dita, finds self-care highly essential. “My line of work includes handling different types of customers. Keeping my emotional stability is essential for me to excel at my work, especially in Ramadan when I need to be more patient.” 

The way she does it, she usually runs to her yoga mat in the morning. That’s the time when she feels most energized. 

Putting on makeup is also a consolation she keeps coming back to. Her favorite BLP products during fasting month are Lip Glaze in Poppy Jam, Face Powder in Medium Beige and Cheek Stain in Butterscotch.

Dita's Favorites