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We feel so excited for our birthday this year! Yes, Excited! That is the perfect word that can represent our birthday. And, you read it right. It’s OUR Birthday, #BLPGirls! OUR amazing and wonderful 3rd Birthday!

Happy Birthday for all of us!

Looking back to our journey for the past three years, there are so many wonderful things that we had together, especially all the experiences, laughs, tears, ups and downs. It really feels like a roller coaster ride that we enjoy so much. We never thought that we will experience such an amazing journey together with you, #BLPGirls

And look at us now! We are young, fresh and keep on inspiring each other. Though there are still so many things that we need to learn, we know that we will never stop admiring the beauty inside each one of us. Because that is the first thing that keeps us going from time to time. The first thing that inspires us to create and start with curiosity and a sense of adventurous. 

It is all the whole-hearted process to create something from love, that makes us believe that we deliver something special for every beautiful soul, that impress the world with their own kind of beauty.


So, as we aim to make you feel amazing and always be the best version of yourself, our wish for us is that may we never stop learning and creating. We really wish that we can grow together and empower each other with the beauty inside us, from time to time.

So, we hope that you ready to create more fun and be the best version of yourself with us, #BLPGirls