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Happy birthday to us! We look back as we celebrate our 8th birthday with memorable monthslong birthday celebrations

Happy birthday to us, #BLPFam! This year marks the 8th anniversary of BLP Beauty and surely this remarkable milestone is all thanks to your continuous support! We started the birthday celebration early from the end of May with the launch of the iconic Butter Fudge Collection. Stemming from the bestselling Lip Coat Butter Fudge, the 7-piece collection has received numerous positive reviews from BLP Fam and media.

Such an iconic collection deserves an equally iconic exhibition, which took place in Pondok Indah Mall 2 – where Beauty Space BLP also resides – from 9 to 14 July. For this special opportunity we invited creative director and set designer Liko Sukhoy to collaborate on the concept of the exhibition that exudes the feeling of maximalist, iconic, and reverie.

“In the process we had to dive deeper to explore the world of Butter Fudge. We visited Beauty Space BLP. We researched the brand’s characters. Eventually we wanted to create a concept that can be realized, with a fantasy that can be felt by anyone coming,” Liko shared.

The result was a Butter Fudge world that can be enjoyed by all, thus the title Butter Fudge Club exhibition. It represents a club that is open for everyone, ready to welcome all BLP Fam with open arms.

In it you can journey through the wall of Butter Fudge history, take photos with giant Butter Fudge Collection products (the Baby Blush was a crowd’s favorite, with the Eyeshadow Pocket stealing the show!), as well as swatching all Butter Fudge Collection products. A standout installation of fudgy cake pieces with Butter Fudge Collection on them called for some Insta-worthy moments!

We excitedly welcomed BLP Friends and BLP Fam to the exhibition, too, with a series of events from the grand opening day, the daily activities where BLP Fam can complete missions and win treats, to #BLPIRL Beauty in Motion: Zumba, and makeup demo with none other than Lizzie Parra. Every event was core-memory material for us, and hopefully for you, too, BLP Fam!

Back in #BLPHQ we also had a birthday celebration on our own, with a special launch of new 5 values for BLP Team. Shortened to MAGIC, it stands for Empower, Agile, Growth Mindset, Integrity, and Collaborative – all becoming our guiding lights in both our day-to-day activities and long-term goals. We cannot wait to create more magic along the way with and for all of you, #BLPFam!

Watch the excitement throughout BUTTER FUDGE CLUB exhibition here:

BUTTER FUDGE CLUB exhibition is supported by Sun & Sand Sports, Djournal Coffee, The People’s Cafe, Tuku, MKS Shoes, M. Beyond, Suasana Kopi, Otofoto, Design by Omo