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NOW TALKING | What #OnTheLips Means for BLP Team

For some, lipsticks are like best friends, helping you get through anything and giving you a boost for your confidence. For others, lipsticks are like accessories, the right addition to spice up the final look. What about you, #BLPGirls?

Lipstick is one of the first makeup items most women ever put on, and they have inevitably become a part of our story. At BLP, #OnTheLips was the first category we launched and it remains the bestselling line since.


Below, two #BLPTeam share their relationship with lipstick, and how it can be a source of power and confidence. Read on and discover your own story with an #OnTheLips shade that feels like you!

"On a daily basis, I don't really wear full-on makeup. However, if there is one makeup item that I will never skip, it's lipstick. That is like an indispensable part of my morning ritual.
If you ask about how my love towards lipstick grew, here's the story. I do have insecurities about how I look, especially for my barely-there brows that are only full on the front part [laughs]. I didn't like my lips either. If you notice, the upper part of my lips is slightly larger than the bottom.
But then I heard an exclaim of adoration towards my lips from a friend of mine. She said that I have a plump, great-looking shape of lips – the one that a lot of people have been wanting to have. From there, I realized that among all of my facial features, my lips are my power and I gotta embrace that. It's true what wise men said; sometimes we are only able to find ourselves through the spectacles of others.
That's where the bond between me and my stash of lipsticks formed. Yup, I have countless lipsticks in various colors. I like to be explorative with lip shades because they enable me to have multiple personalities that I can choose depending on my mood on particular days. When I wear bold colors, I feel sexy. When I wear natural colors, I feel like a reserved woman. Lipstick makes me feel like I am in full control of deciding the image that I want to show to the world."




"I rarely wear makeup other than Brow Definer on my face, even on office days. The reason behind that is because I have acne on my face and I just want to let them breathe instead of covering them up. But whenever I have some spare time, I turn to artistic makeup as a way to channel my fondness of painting.
To create face painting, I sometimes plan things ahead. During weekends I create sketches of how I would like to paint my face. And since I haven't got my hands on a full-range painting kit, lipstick is my go-to color to paint. Lipstick is the way I channel my creativity and a loyal companion in my me-time that I will always look forward to.”

Watch Aisah and Angeline have fun with Lip Bullet!