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Vibrant and in-the-moment, Askarina Daniswari gave a lasting impression on us when we first met her.

An entrepreneur, a healing practitioner, and a cat mom, Askarina or “Karin” found her beginning in wellness when she seeked ways to relieve tensions on her shoulders. She then joined a class and gave birth to her first product under her own brand, Kiloalta. Today, she has also become an emotional healing therapist through Bach Flower remedies, a practice in which one can mix the essence of flowers and drink it to achieve self awareness and balance.

“You will always need emotional balance to align your heart with your head. By practicing mindfulness you can embrace your emotions better. There would be times when you feel angry, disappointed, or even stressed out. It is human, but self-healing helps you manage those emotions better,” she blissfully explained. For Karin, makeup can be self-healing, too, as it makes one more centered and focused. “By wearing makeup you can feel good. And if you feel good, you do good, you behave good, then you vibrate with good energy.”

Even though she has three drawers full of lipsticks, Karin was not familiar with nude shades. She was surprised to find out that Butter Fudge looked impeccable on her. It was Eyeshadow Pocket 1989, though, that stole her heart. “The four shades are what makeup beginners like me need. I can imagine taking the Lip Coat, Eyeshadow Pocket, and Baby Blush when traveling. They will get my makeup needs covered!”