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When we first met Naura A. Zabidi, her gesture alone has already given us a clue that she is a dancer.

Throughout the photoshoot, Naura posed fluidly and elegantly, with Butter Fudge complementing her strong facial features and lips. “My first encounter with dancing happened when I was 4. Dancing has become my way of expressing myself, my feelings. It has taken me to cultural trips and meeting new people. I have also realized that dancing is more than just a hobby; it is my way of life.” 

Starting from ballet, to traditional and now contemporary dances, Naura never wants to stop dancing. “When I lost my father in 2022, I couldn’t say a word. I just turned to dancing. I dance to feel, to create, and even to seek hope. I have trained my body with different choreography, through different techniques,” she shared. Her years in the industry also allow her to build discipline and ambition to see the world by doing dance performances.

For Naura, makeup feels like therapy as it goes along with her love language: physical touch. Butter Fudge is one of her favorite nudes, the one that goes seamlessly with her skin tone. “I love it as it sweetens my look. I usually pair it with Lip Liner to create my-lips-but-better look!”