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Meet Angela, a student pursuing her degree in digital journalism. On a day-to-day basis, she’s active in her campus organizations, church publications, as well as developing her own personal project. As we got to know her, we loved how she’s living her passion and pursuing her dreams while being content with herself as a woman. This time around, we asked Angela to let us in her thoughts about empowerment, and here’s how it goes…


A woman is beautiful. Although men can be beautiful too, this term is firmly associated with women and that’s a thing I personally love. A woman is also unique. I believe every woman radiates their own aura and persona that shines through everything we do. Lastly, a woman is independent. I feel a lot of women are striving to achieve their dream and more of us are courageous to make an impact in male-dominated industries. That’s progress to be happy about!

I start by doing simple actions to my closest circle. Whenever my friends are feeling insecure, I try to console them and boost their self-confidence. I’ve been loving makeup for quite some time so I usually suggest makeup products that would suit them, hoping it would make them feel their best!

Can you tell us about your personal project, Daramuda Magazine (@daramudamagazine)?

Daramuda Magazine is one of my final projects in pursuing my degree. I developed this project with my friends and I’m grateful to be the editor in chief. In the beginning, we were brainstorming on a magazine concept that’s relatable to us.

Because everyone involved is a woman, we finally came up with a tagline “serving you as readers, loving you like sisters.” We hope this magazine can play the role of a big sister to teens and young adults on adulting as a woman. We incorporate various topics and discussions such as puberty, the importance of education, a healthy diet, and beauty standards. 

P.S. I send the contents I made to my family group! It’s a good insight for parenting, too *wink

To me, defining a woman is about self-identity and self-confidence. I wish that all women can be confident with their unique selves and be able to stand out in whatever they do, including you!

Tell us a makeup routine that empowers you!

I feel empowered with natural makeup. This is what I usually do: start with a foundation, set with powder, add a little beige color on the eyes, and top it off with pinkish lip product!


Let’s play rapid questions! Tell us whatever comes to your mind first. Are you ready?

1. A song that empowers you…

Alessia Cara - Scars To Your Beautiful

2. … keeps you moving forward every day!

The thought of being a better version of me than yesterday, my personal development.

3. The activity that you’re passionate about is…

Journalism. One of them is being a part of my university’s student publication (media kampus).

4. You see yourself in 10 years as…

A news anchor.

5. You are inspired by…

Najwa Shihab.

6. A makeup product as your instant power-up…

Lip Gel!