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BLP PAPER 2020 SPECIAL | LIZZIE’S LETTER: Looking Back at 2020 and Looking Forward to 2021!

A lot of unexpected changes, a lot of learning and a lot of growth – that’s what 2020 is for me and BLP! 2020 got us in for a ride. Just like other brands in the world, BLP Beauty is not immune to the pandemic and the challenges that come along with it. 

One of the most memorable moments for BLP this year was when we moved to a new, bigger office but sadly, up until the year is about the end, the office has never been used in full swing.  We haven’t had a single chance of working in a full team in this bigger space, but we are thankful that our team is still intact and healthy. 

Secondly, it was when we launched Face Base for the first time in June. There were a lot of suggestions and opinions for us – some were encouraging, some were critical – but all in all, as a team we have grown so much. Those experiences have strengthened us, that we could pull off the launch of 12 Face Base shades back in November. Together, BLP Team has pushed our boundaries further and seen what we are actually capable of doing (spoiler: This has been our most productive year to date!).

This pandemic also brought a spin for my personal lifestyle. Coronavirus has disturbed not only our physical health, but also our mental health, so I channeled that feeling into doing more sports. I enjoyed cycling and working out more, which was a surprise because I barely walked 3,000 steps a day before.  I believe a lot of you have also done new things this year, as we have to stay mentally healthy in facing these tough times!

Looking forward to 2021, at BLP we are hoping for a better year. Fingers crossed that the vaccines will work out and we can meet BLP Girls in real life again. We have also planned a lot of innovations and new products for you, so hopefully it will be a more exciting year than 2020. But remember, everything belongs to God. We can plan, but changes can always happen. Don’t lose hope, keep on doing what you believe in and adapt as you go.

This special PAPER issue is made to look back, to see how far we've come and how much we've grown. I hope that when you virtually flip on the pages, you could find a dose of encouragement for more years to come.  Happy reading and always #BeAdored, BLP Girls!